A Bluesky announcement script that I wrote in python:

Consuming and parsing an RSS web feed. Embed and post to Bluesky using AT Protocol also known Authenticated Transfer Protocol or ATProto.

So a blog, podcast provider or similar may set up a cron job (or workflow, action or similar) that routinely tells their followers if there are news to consume!

A reasonable effort is made to avoid spamming; will not post anything recently posted, will not post old RSS entries, will not post more posts than configured, will only post if --no-dry-run is configured.

Quick and dirty hack, but useful to us!



./bsky-rss-bot.py -h

usage: bsky-rss-bot.py [-h] --url URL --handle HANDLE --secret SECRET --secret-type {arg,env,file} [--dry-run | --no-dry-run] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--days DAYS] [--posts POSTS]

bluesky bot

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             URL to lib-syn RSS feed, e.g. https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/index.xml
  --handle HANDLE       bluesky handle
  --secret SECRET       bluesky secret
  --secret-type {arg,env,file}
                        bluesky secret type
  --dry-run, --no-dry-run
                        dry-run inhibits posting (default: True)
  --days DAYS           Maximum days back in RSS history to announce
  --posts POSTS         Maximum posts to emit, avoid spamming

Hope this help was helpful! :-)


./bsky-rss-bot.py \
   --url https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/index.xml \
   --handle blaufish.bsky.social \
   --days 60 \
   --dry-run \
   --secret .bluesky2.secret \
   --secret-type file

Example output:

2025-02-04 10:53:03,238 INFO Request feed from https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/index.xml
2025-02-04 10:53:03,277 INFO RSS candidate: Säkerhetspodcasten #275 - Ostukturerat V.6
2025-02-04 10:53:03,277 INFO RSS candidate: Säkerhetspodcasten #274 - Fyra fantastiska frågor
2025-02-04 10:53:03,277 INFO RSS candidate: Säkerhetspodcasten #273 - Ostrukturerat V.50
2025-02-04 10:53:03,607 INFO Bluesky lookup: blaufish.bsky.social=did:plc:y25e3xvbgsjuqcxjdybktovi
2025-02-04 10:53:04,886 INFO Disregard already published: https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/posts/sakerhetspodcasten_275_ostukturerat_v_6/
2025-02-04 10:53:04,886 INFO Disregard already published: https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/posts/sakerhetspodcasten_274_fyra_fantastiska_fragor/
2025-02-04 10:53:04,886 INFO Disregard already published: https://sakerhetspodcasten.se/posts/sakerhetspodcasten_273_ostrukturerat_v_50/
2025-02-04 10:53:04,886 INFO Terminating normally. Thanks for All the Fish!

Secrets Management

The tool requires a single secret: the Bluesky app login password.

I did not want to hard code how this secret is obtained. What is most convenient may depend on user taste and deployment environment.

The command line usage help includes;

  --secret SECRET       bluesky secret
  --secret-type {arg,env,file}
                        bluesky secret type

Adding options to the python command line argument parser is easy:

            dest = 'secret_type',
            required = True,
            choices = ['arg', 'env', 'file'],
            help = 'bluesky secret type')

Implementing multiple different possible sources of secrets was also easy:

    secret = None
    match args.secret_type:
        case "arg":
            content = args.secret
            secret = content.strip()
        case "env":
            content = os.environ[args.secret]
            secret = content.strip()
        case "file":
            with open(args.secret, "r") as f:
                content = f.read();
                secret = content.strip()
        case "_":
            logger.error(f"TODO implement!")


The first step is to identify RSS items that are candidates for Bluesky announcement.

We establish a threshold, i.e. candidates posted args.days ago or later;

threshold = None

def main():
    global threshold
    threshold = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=args.days)

    candidates = process_rss(args.url)

    if len(candidates) < 1:
        logger.info("No candiates, exiting")

process_rss(args.url) will generate a list of RSS items that meet the threshold:

def process_rss(url):
    candidates = []
    logger.info(f"Request feed from {url}")
    rss = feedparser.parse(url)
    entries = rss['entries'];
    for entry in entries:
        candidate = process_entry(entry)
        if (candidate):
    return candidates

Each RSS entry will be evaluated if it meets the threshold using process_entry(entry):

def process_entry(e):
    link             = e['link']
    published_parsed = e['published_parsed']
    published        = e['published']
    title            = e['title']

    ts = time.mktime( published_parsed )
    dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)

    if dt > threshold:
        logger.info(f"RSS candidate: {title}")
        return True
        logger.debug(f"RSS skipping old entry: {title}")
        return False

The published_parsed is a python-friendly version of RSS item.pubDate, that reasonably easy can be converted to a datetime object and compared to threshold.

So, the rest of the code work with recent RSS entries only, nothing old will be processed later on.

Bluesky login

Login is pretty easy; you need to username/handle args.handle, and the secret application password:

    client = atproto_client.client.client.Client()
    client.login(args.handle, secret)

Bluesky list recent posts

We want to avoid re-posting / spamming the same entries again and again. Therefor we will look up the recent posts from our announcement user:

    did = bsky_lookup(args.handle)
    logger.info(f"Bluesky lookup: {args.handle}={did}")

    posts = bsky_posts(client, did)

The user lookup is just a wafer-thin wrapper around HandleResolver:

def bsky_lookup(_id):
    resolver = atproto_identity.handle.resolver.HandleResolver()
    did = resolver.resolve(_id)
    return did

Similarly, the post lookup is just a wafer-thin wrapper around client.get_author_feed():

def bsky_posts(client, did):
    responses = client.get_author_feed(
    return responses

Bluesky list embeds in recent posts

Now we create a simple list of all URIs that are included in a recent app.bsky.embed.external#view embedding:

    tweeted = []
    for entry in posts.feed:
        post = entry.post
        record = post.record
        embed = post.embed
        if embed is None:
        if embed.py_type != 'app.bsky.embed.external#view':
        external = embed.external
        uri = external.uri
        logger.debug(f"Bluesky embeded: {uri}")

Bluesky post new announcements

Now, it is time to loop through all candidates that met the threshold.

We will skip old candidate.link entries that are on the already tweeted/posted list.

    posts = 0
    for candidate in candidates:
        if posts >= args.posts:
            logger.info(f"Stopping posting after reaching post limit: {posts}")
        announce = True
        for old in tweeted:
            if candidate.link == old:
                logger.info(f"Disregard already published: {old}")
                announce = False
        if announce:
            logger.debug(f"Prepare post: {candidate.link}")
            bsky_post(client, candidate, args.dryrun)
            posts = posts + 1

    logger.info("Terminating normally. Thanks for All the Fish!")

Posting the announcement is rather easy using client.send_post(), AppBskyEmbedExternal.Main and AppBskyEmbedExternal.External.

NOTE: I did run into some complications with reading an outdated documentation somewhere, so I had a few __pydantic_validator__ issues until I got the code correctly aligned with the current SDK)

def bsky_post(client, candidate, dryrun):
    c_title = candidate.title
    c_description = candidate.description
    c_uri = candidate.link

    #...specific to our podcast, ignore...
    c_desc = re.sub(r"Lyssna mp3, längd: ", "", c_description)
    c_desc = re.sub(r" Innehåll ", " ", c_desc)

    logger.debug(f"c_title: {c_title}")
    logger.debug(f"c_description: {c_description}")
    logger.debug(f"c_desc: {c_desc}")
    logger.debug(f"c_uri: {c_uri}")

    embed_external = models.AppBskyEmbedExternal.Main(
        external = models.AppBskyEmbedExternal.External(
            title = c_title,
            description = c_desc,
            uri = c_uri,
    text = "📣 " + c_title + " 📣 " + c_desc
    text300 = truncate( text, 300 )
    if dryrun:
        logger.info(f"Dry-run post: {c_uri}")
        logger.info(f"Post: {c_uri}")
        post = client.send_post( text=text300, embed=embed_external )
        logger.info(f"post.uri: {post.uri}")
        logger.info(f"post.cid: {post.cid}")

Truncating the text to the 300-limit is done as follows:

def truncate( text, maxlen ):
    if len(text) < maxlen:
        return text
    idx = text.rfind(" ", 0, maxlen-3)
    return text[:idx] + "..."

An observant code reviewer can easily come up with cases where the truncation will break on evil input… So room for future improvements!


feedparser. Consumes RSS using feedparser. This part was fairly easy as I have a bunch of earlier RSS processing projects, parts of the code was just copy-paste similar code.

atproto. Reads and Posts to Bluesky using The AT Proto SDK for Python.